For at-home caregivers who need a rest from their daily responsibilities, we also offer temporary stay respite programs. Respite care provides a safe and nurturing environment for seniors

Because we understand that it’s never easy to put the care of a loved one into the hands of others, we are always available to address family concerns. What’s more, we will always strive to provide

For optimum convenience and flexibility, for many of its long-term care and short-term rehabilitation programs and services we accept:

  • Please click on the video below to take a virtual tour of our community.

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    When you’re done, click here or call 201-343-9090 to schedule a live tour to experience Platinum Living in person! 

We strive to keep our residents and family members updated on financial and pragmatic issues and events that have an impact on senior living.  Please check back regularly for updates.

We provide a full range of support services designed to keep residents’ comfort, convenience and satisfaction high. These include:

We make it a priority to keep residents engaged, interested, and active to the fullest extent possible. Short-term and long-term residents alike enjoy a full complement of social and recreational activities